Hardship is a common theme in many conversations today. And with the news of so many famity members and friends struggling, it can be difficult to keep our eyes on Jesus. In such times, I have a close group of friends to speak life over me, and I am reminded to stay focused on Jesus’s truth and timeline. The resurrection of Christ is our living hope that never dies and we must cling to it during times of hardship, loss and despair. When I can change my focus from my pain and suffering, and refocus to my purpose here; God can use me. God has a plan and His will for all our lives which keeps me moving forward. Keep in mind, the past mantra must be silenced by our memorized Bible verses, and replaced with His promises. Staying close to God has empowered me to become the person He desires me to become as He continues to polishes me to become more Christlike in every way.1John3:2. Stay strong, and know this program doesn’t last forever, Jesus will take home one day with Him, and we will be reunited with our saved loved ones. Go love one more for Christ and lay the rest at the Cross for Jesus to carry.
Updated: Jan 7, 2023