Sharing the Christmas season with my youngest daughter, the Lord put on our hearts the need to pay it forward. That need turned into visiting a local women’s facility last Sunday to share the love of Christ with them. We decided to bake cookies, wrap a gift, and make a set of prayer cards for each woman living at the facility. We went with no expectations, but left with our hearts full of God’s love. It is really amazing when we sit aside our wants, needs and desires to serve others and watch Jesus show up in a mighty way. The encounter left us better than they found us, and reminded me, if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, through the act of obedience and submission to Jesus; there wouldn’t be a need for all this mental health counseling in our country. Our ten minute visit to drop off the gifts and cookies, turned into a deep discussion with these women who are hungry to learn more about the Jesus. In fact, some of the most interesting conversation came around the topic of “grieving the Holy Spirit,“ where an instant connection with a woman in her early 50s was set free from decades of bondage. Keep in mind, if we don’t read His Word, then we don’t know the truth, and we believe Satan’s lies. These lies can be perpetuated through others who don’t know Jesus, or self talk because of our wrong decisions. And this belief grieves the Holy Spirit, and keeps us from totally understanding we are made in the image of Christ Jesus. Once this is understood, Satan can’t get us to take the bait, and steal another day from us; praise the Lord. Thank you to all the women who left us a lot better than they found us. We are all children of the Most High. God Bless…..
Grieving the Holy Spirit
Updated: Dec 18, 2023