Grace or Grief, these choices unfortunately take several years of deep commitment and maturity or immaturity to develop and manifested in our lives. For myself, in my early years, I usually choose grief and a “glass half full” due to my lack of knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and what was modeled to me as a young child. In addition, the lack of emotional intelligence would be added to the list of unknown struggles for me. The process began slowing, missing out for close to three decades the knowledge the Lord has a plan for my life. Jeremiah 29:11. Replacing the self serving idea this life is all about me, my needs, my wants and desires. The birth of my oldest daughter, Sydney set into motion the desire to learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ. The pure love I had for her opened up my eyes to there is more to this life than I knew or realized. It would be another 20 years of development along with the addition of two more daughters and a sweet husband that foster a sense of belonging and knowing I am here for a reason beyond myself. For all those passing early years, choosing grief, disappointment and a glass half full were replaced with the love, peace and joy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only the Lord knew the future, with all the loss, that He needed to prepare me, so He could lead me through the life‘s devastation and still be standing. Drawing close to Him and allowing Him to lead me in the path of righteousness has provided me a way through and the ability to keep moving forward. I can tell people weaved across my path, from the bottom of my heart, trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6. Go love one more.
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