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As I’ve driven long the pacific coast of California, part of the man made landscape are miles and miles of guardrails along the rode to protect us from various dangers. What is the guardrail of life? The Bible. But so many have ignored or walked away from the guardrails of life. Know this truth; “Life must have guardrails because without them our lives will spills over into waste, anxiety, and frustration. A few of our behaviors without guardrails that develop are pride and disobedience; satan is looking for these opportunities to wreck your life. We can’t equip or develop the guardrails against these two behaviors because we don’t know the Bible. The awful behavior of pride is the top of the list and was the downfall of several Kings in the Bible. Pride keeps us from drawing close to Jesus and when we don’t thank Him through ALL situation it will grab hold of our heart and we have NO idea. Remember, Pride can’t grow in the field of thankfulness to Jesus is one way to check ourselves. How often do you thank Jesus for what you have? Surrender is another behavior which allows Jesus to do His Will in our life, however, only activated through spending time with Jesus and prayer. So let’s walk in the Word of Jesus and apply His will for our lives because the Word is the recipe for success and the direction for setting up our guardrails. It is my prayer everyone reading this will develop the needed guardrails and not have to learn the hard way. God Bless.

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