Our time is very limited here on earth, and we don’t want to waste it by living someone else’s life. We can’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the results of others’ thinking of us. We can’t allow their opinions to drown out who we are in Christ. The Word tells us we are made in His image and we can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength. Unless we spend time reading His Word, and in quiet prayer time, we can lose sight on who we are in Christ. He has a plan for our lives, Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us! Only through His word can we obtain the love, peace, joy and hope He has for us. We are all moving towards a place where evil doesn’t exit and its called Heaven. Know while we are here, we are called to fight the good fight and stand firm in His word! God bless and go love one more for the Kingdom of God.
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